Great Grady Days, Grady White Sale is here at Cannons Marina.
Now is the best time ever to purchase the Grady White Boat of your dreams!
For a very brief time this fall, we have the most generous factory-sponsored incentives imaginable worth cash toward the purchase of a new Grady White. We are ready to show you just how affordable a new Grady can be.
But you must act NOW. If you are considering a coastal fishing boat, consider a Grady-White. Why? Grady is KNOWN for excellence in every single category of manufacturing to customer satisfaction.
Does this mean Grady White boats are a better buy AND Will you enjoy the ultimate boating experience?
Without a doubt! We will make it easy and take your fun factor seriously. So if you have been thinking about a new boat – Now is the time to get your dream boat.
Get the Grady! Come to Cannons Marina.
[Offer available only through November 8, 2010}
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